Where do you find inspiration for your work?
I find it impossible to rationalise where my inspiration comes from because I honestly have no idea - I get a lot from music, the people that I work with and their energies and I'm, a very visual and estethic person. My best inspiration comes from somewhere outside of myself and most of the time I feel like I'm a instrument translating something from a collective source into something that people can feel and perceive. Whether you call that outside (or inside) source the universe, god, the collective subconscious or whatever has very little importance.
After posting our first editorial with you, we received tones of messages about you and your sexy body. REY readers definetely LOVE Tomi Lappi! How often do you work out? Are you following a specific program or diet?
I workout 5 days a week with the Jonathan Sevillano and all my results are practically thanks to him, he's a great guy and in my down months it's the perfect way to bring some structure and stability into my life. I don't follow specific diets, I try to eat intuitively and when I'm hungry and listen to my body as much as possible, if somethings doesn't feel right, it probably isn't right. I sustain a diet of food that feels good and is nourishing all year round and I feel following diets is a losing game because of the amount of contradictory information out there. When I'm touring and travelling I do my best to maintain but with a lot fo compassion to my body - If I can't get out of bed in the morning, you won't see me at the gym either.
Your favourite pop star:
I think that'd be a tie between Dua Lipa and Justin Bieber.
You have travelled to a lot of countries for work or holidays. Your favourite destination?
I rarely travel for holidays, my ideal vacation is not travelling anywhere and just staying in my routine and stability, I get enough travel for work. I don't have a favourite, wherever I get a glimpse of the local culture makes me feel like I've learned and experienced and grown more but I feel also like it's impossible to travel without expanding and growing a little.
Relationship status:
I'm single.