The Replica fragrances come in Eau de Toilette and Eau de Parfum. There is also the filter fragrances a sort of layering scent and the untitled fragrance. The basis for all the Replica fragrances is that they replicate a memory essentially, like their scent Flower Market or Beach Walk. I find that most of these smells do evoke a familiar scent however only a few of them truly stand out. Personally my favorite is the Eau de Toilette –by the Fireplace, described as burning wood and chestnut.
This scent has a beautiful depth of woody smell with a slightly sweet top note. Definitely a winter/autumn scent. Another favorite from the replica range is Jazz Club described as heady cocktails and cigars, this is a more citrusy smell than -by the Fireplace but it lacks that sweet note.
Escentric molecules-Molecule fragrances