l'ombra II
After the success of l’ombra Editorial story we unveil to you part II.
A REY exclusive Fashion Editorial photographed in Amsterdam.
Concept & Photography by Armando Branco
Styling Javier Navia
starring Javier @ FIC Model Mngmt
After the success of l’ombra Editorial story we unveil to you part II.
A REY exclusive Fashion Editorial photographed in Amsterdam.
Concept & Photography by Armando Branco
Styling Javier Navia
starring Javier @ FIC Model Mngmt
A REY exclusive Fashion Editorial photographed in Amsterdam.
Concept & Photography by Armando Branco
Styling Javier Navia
starring Javier @ FIC Model Mngmt
A REY exclusive Portrait Series, photographed in London, UK.
Concept & Photography by Alex Charovas
starring Alex Rocky
In the series "Constructs of Desire," my lens delves into the intricate interplay of body language, gender, and sexuality, inspired by the spirited debates ignited by Cameron and Kulick's (2003) groundbreaking work, "Language and Sexuality." This collection captures a fusion of analogue black and white and colour photography, accentuated by light leaks and a vintage aesthetic. The title itself, "Constructs of Desire," nods to the multifaceted nature of desire explored within the images.
Cameron and Kulick expanded the study of desire beyond mere sexuality, introducing the concept of ontological desire—an individual's yearning to embody or emulate qualities intrinsic to a specific identity. In the context of masculinity, this desire extends beyond societal constraints, revealing a compelling exploration of self-construction within cultural discourses.
Drawing inspiration from Stephen Whitehead's (2002) discourse on masculine ontology, the series navigates the pursuit of being and becoming masculine through performative acts. Masculinity, viewed as a social phenomenon, unfolds as a constant engagement in discursive practices that suggest and reinforce the desired identity. Through a lens of cultural discourses, the desire to construct and validate one's masculine self becomes a focal point.
The visual narratives within "Constructs of Desire" transcend traditional gender norms, as a physically powerful yet vulnerably posed male model challenges preconceptions. Portraits capture not only the details of a well-defined physique but also the adoption of feminine poses, emphasising the performative nature of desire, both ontological and interpersonal.
"Constructs of Desire" invites viewers to contemplate the multifaceted dimensions of desire, masculinity, and identity. Through a visual journey, this series challenges conventional norms, encouraging a deeper understanding of the performative acts that shape and express desire within the complex interplay of body language, gender, and sexuality.
A REY exclusive Fashion Editorial produced in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Concept & Photography by Armando Branco
Styling Jeroen Kamphorst
Grooming Aleksandar Lou
starring Mateo @ FIC Model Mngmt
Special thanks: Leon Klaassen Bos
Armando notes, ‘‘With this fashion shoot we want to pay homage to Old Hollywood, especially the silent era films (1895 - 1930). It’s still a great source of inspiration, even though those movies were created more than a century ago. They would feature icons like Laurel and Hardy, Charlie Chaplin & Buster Keaton.
This production can best be viewed while playing some Cab Calloway in the background (1907 – 1994).’’
A REY exclusive Fashion Editorial photographed in Barcelona, Spain.
Photographed by William Bibet
Art Direction & Styling by Fabricio Pérez
Starring Manel Olle @ Bento Models
A REY exclusive Fashion Editorial, photographed in Los Angeles.
Photographed by Luyang Tian
Styling by Peiwen Wang
Assistant Stylist Heath Slavens
starring Hunter @ Photo/Genics Media
Concept by Victoria Lautman
Dappled morning sunlight oozes through breeze-blown curtains, a golden honey glow that caresses everything in its path. Eyelids begin to flutter awake, the final moments of a dream evaporating like a mirage, as consciousness gathers in that enchanted space just below the surface of awareness. Between these two worlds all things seem possible, all things are attainable. If only this delicious disorientation could permeate the day.
And so a languid Sunday unfurls, quietly meandering from the tousled bed with its memories of the night before and on into a day of playfulness and contemplation. Hunter knows the value of these rejuvenating moments, essential time both for gazing within while expanding outward individuality, an occasion to calmly focus before embarking on the dynamic week ahead. There is no schedule to follow, decision to be made, or appointment to keep, just hours in which to reconnect with himself and the wistful remembrance of comfort and dreams. By day’s end, replenished and energized, he’s once again ready to welcome Monday with open arms.
A REY exclusive Fashion Editorial, photographed in London UK.
Photographed by Jay Sentrosi
Styling & Grooming by Paolo Casseb
starring Rubén Aires @ W Model Management
A REY exclusive Fashion Editorial photographed in Cape Town, South Africa.
Photographed by Tereza Cervinkova
Styling Bryan Onwok x Karen kwalie
Makeup by Marissa Horns / Grooming by Basil
starring Samuel Edward @ Fusion Models
A REY exclusive fashion editorial photographed in Cyprus.
Photographed & Directed by Stavros Christodoulou
starring Willem @ The Specials Rotterdam
A REY exclusive Fashion Editorial, photographed in Milan by Aldo Giarelli
Styling Olympia De Molossi
starring Julien @ MS Models Milano
Wardrobe by
Nove25, Versace, Dries Van Noten, Icon brand, Jill Sander, Etro
A REY exclusive editorial, photographed in Hotel Nolinski, Paris.
Photographed and Directed by Nicolas Aristidou
starring Florent @ Blake Men Paris
Photography & Direction Eva Balasi
starring Florian Bogga @ X-RAY Models
Photographer Matthew Alatsiatianos
Styling Yolanda Teskou
Grooming Constantinos Bezas
Model is Andreas @ The Legion Management