A REY exclusive Fashion Editorial produced in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Concept & Photography by Armando Branco

Styling Jeroen Kamphorst

Grooming Aleksandar Lou

starring Mateo @ FIC Model Mngmt

Special thanks: Leon Klaassen Bos

Armando notes, ‘‘With this fashion shoot we want to pay homage to Old Hollywood, especially the silent era films (1895 - 1930). It’s still a great source of inspiration, even though those movies were created more than a century ago. They would feature icons like Laurel and Hardy, Charlie Chaplin & Buster Keaton.

This production can best be viewed while playing some Cab Calloway in the background (1907 – 1994).’’


A REY exclusive fashion editorial photographed in Cyprus.

Photographed & Directed by Stavros Christodoulou

starring Willem @ The Specials Rotterdam


A REY exclusive editorial, photographed in Texas, US.

Photography: Miguel Jose Flores
Art direction & Styling: Cinda Miranda

Starring Cooper Wilson @ Taylor Kelsaw Management

Digital Retouch: Fotográfica Films


A REY exclusive editorial, photographed in Athens.

Photographed by Dimitrios Kleanthous

Grooming Christos Theophanous

starring Spyros Goudelis


A REY exclusive editorial, photographed in Scotland.

Photographed by Anna Isola Crolla

Styling Michelle Watson

Hair & Grooming Martine Carroll Kroma

Starring Jack @ Model Team Scotland


A REY exclusive editorial, photographed at the Dutch coastline (area Scheveningen/Den Haag).

Photographed by Armando Branco

Styling & Direction JoniaZ

Starring artist & preformer Bobby Snijder

Grooming Bobby Snijder

Assistant Stylists: Caspar Lapré & Bobby Snijder

Wardrobe: JoniaZ


A REY exclusive editorial, photographed in Barcelona.

Photography & Art Direction Armando Terrero

starring Friedrich Wolf @ Two Manegement Barcelona


A REY exclusive fashion editorial.

Photographed by George Lavantsiotis

Styling Filip Vlajovic / Starring Filip Vlajovic


Photography & Direction Nicolas Aristidou

starring Brian Nicklen

Light the Way